The project that is proposed has as its objective the deepening of the sector issues (highlighting the technical aspects and the achievable benefits), through real study cases related to the system’s efficiency in its complexity. The intent is to study logical-mathematical and decision support models to reduce the costs of research and repair of leaks, pumping costs, as well as to improve the service throughout the year.

Basically the project will develop through:

  • survey and representation of the network in a system
  • GIS (Geographic Information System)
  • the development of a hydraulic model to simulate the functioning of the network
  • the division of the network into sectors
  • identification of losses in each sector with field measurements of all significant parameters
  • a summary of the measures to be taken to reduce losses: repairs, optimization of the use of the pumps, pressure control, implementation of measurement systems and automatic control
  • the evaluation of costs and benefits to reach the optimal loss level